We also practice in areas of law that don’t nicely fit under the key areas mentioned on other pages.


Our Denise Maxwell has a keen interest in Trusts, whether it be incorporated into the more legal elements of another matter (e.g. Wills and Estates or purchase of a business), or whether our clients are seeking advice on how to structure their family or corporate affairs.

Denise is also keen to share her love for Trusts and regularly consults with our other solicitors if/when needed to assist with all things to do with Trusts.


We can assist with some areas of litigation in addition to those mentioned on other pages, so please enquire with us about whether yours is an issue that we can help with. If your matter is in an area of law we do not cover, we will do our best to refer you to a lawyer who can help you.

Over her years in the legal profession, Denise has experience in a wide range of litigation matters. However, as time has progressed, she has concentrated more on outcome-focused strategies to help people find solutions to issues without resorting to the Court process. So if you have a tricky problem and cannot see a way forward, see Denise for practical, solution focused advice and see if she can help steer you to a satisfactory outcome.

Domestic and Family Violence

Domestic and family violence is a very difficult situation to be in for our clients and their families. Here at Hensen Maxwell Solicitors, we understand that both from our experience in helping clients, and through our own lived experiences. We bring that compassion to every situation and help give practical and helpful advice to guide our clients through what is often a very fraught situation.

Here at Hensen Maxwell Solicitors, we have assisted clients in situations of significant risk to find quick and appropriate solutions, and are strong advocates for our clients.

We pride ourselves on giving realistic advice and practical tips to help our clients through the process, and have achieved good outcomes for countless clients and families.

There is often a lot of cross-over between family law matters and domestic violence matters. However, obtaining a domestic and family violence Protection Order, or responding to an application brought against you, is dealt with separately (but often in parallel) with Family Law matters.

Child Protection

Child Protection is a special little area of law involving children in the child safety system. Our Tamara Hensen has developed a passion for helping people through the complex child safety system when they are involved in matters before the Courts.

We have previously assisted clients through Legal Aid funding. We presently assist persons involved in a Child Protection matter through private funding, and oftentimes the people approaching us for help this way are other family members or kin who have a direct interest in the child’s wellbeing.

At Hensen Maxwell Solicitors, we have helped clients at all stages of the process from initial advice through to Trial. We pride ourselves on giving realistic advice and practical tips to help our clients through the process, and have achieved good outcomes for countless clients and children.

If you want a trusted team to help with your any Law matters, get in touch with Hensen Maxwell Solicitors.